Climate Change and Sustainability
ECO-V has been successful in guiding individuals and communities to be conscious on taking action in their day today lives to have low carbon and ecological foot print to combat climate change. Novel programs conducted blending international experience and traditional indigenous knowledge on conservation for all age groups in all settings in the society specially targeting kids and youth.
We are able to conduct awareness programs such as workshops, presentations, exhibitions and training sessions for schools, cooperates and any institution on request.

Nature Kids
This program was initiated in 2012 by Kanchana who got inspired after reading “Last Child in the woods” by Richard Louv. Kids aged between 6-12 are trained to reconnect with Mother Nature through five sensory organs. Outdoor space will be used for “Nature Kids” programs to get hands on experience. Special Nature kids Holiday Programs can be organized on request.

We run youth Leadership training (Green Leaders) campaigns under Climate Change and Sustainability. These are called Yathras (Journeys) We have been running this campaign for last 10 years.

Nature Parents
The target audience for Nature Parents are the parents of Nature kids, Nature Teens and Nature Youth. Overall parenting opportunities and the Importance of guiding children to connect with Mother Nature will be discussed through these programs. Parents will be guided to gain more experience and knowledge on below mentioned topics. Healthy lifestyle (mental and physical wellbeing) of the child through Mother Nature, being active and guide them to be with Natural world rather than spending more time with TV, Movies or video games and prevent them being obese and suffer from Non communicable diseases.

School Awareness
Environmental related topics will be covered in school awareness programs and these are conducted through workshops, exhibitions, or lectures. Any topic can be covered on request.

Pubic Awareness
Public awareness programs on environmental conservation and prevention of climate change related diseases like dengue, non-communicable deceases like cancer, asthma, diabetic, are conducted in the forms of lectures, presentations, campaigns, exhibitions and discussions. Our main target groups are women, youth, teachers, government departments, farmers, clergy and military forces.

Cooperate Sector
We have specially designed programs for cooperate sector on Organizing Green events, Bio Diversity conservation, how to have healthy life style, how to make the working place a green place.

Nature Teens and Nature Youth
Teenagers (aged between 13- 19) are trained to be connect with Mother Nature to understand the importance of Natural Environment. Green Leadership qualities and deep environmental topics will be introduced in these programs and these are designed to gain more practical understanding of Natural world and eco system services.

Cooperate Sector
We have specially designed programs for cooperate sector on Organizing Green events, Bio Diversity conservation, how to have healthy life style, how to make the working place a green place.