conscious consumerism

Many people are infested by consumerism. Therefore, many resources are used unsustainable matter and just wasted. To address this issues ECO-V has designed a program called conscious consumerism. It is targeting creating awareness on how to manage the resources consciously and not to produce waste and encouraging consumers going towards zero waste lifestyle. Our method is practicing 10R in resource Management.

Healthy Food Choices

We also talk about healthy food choices and create awareness on food ingredients, how to recognize chemicals added in processed food, why consumers should follow a natural life style and the alternatives for artificial food, how consumerism leads into climate change and what should be done to bring sustainability

BBC Program on zero waste with Kanchana

The Art of Composting

Zero waste management discussion with Otara Gunewardene

New aspect of waste management

Under this topic we conduct school and public awareness for any stake holder group. We also have a mobile exhibition unit along with trained staff under this topic and provide services on request

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